Point of Care Testing
First you wait in a long line, or for hours in a hospital waiting room.
Then, you wait for the results to find out if your medication is working (or if you need the medication at all). As necessary and important as these objective measurements are to ensure you’re responding well to the health and medication regimen designed for you — it all takes hours out of your week! That’s why we offer fast Point of Care testing and diagnostic measurement of lab data. So you can get back to living your life as quickly as possible.

We can measure your Hemoglobin A1C, C-reactive protein, do a full lipid and cholesterol panel, and test for Strep throat, influenza and other infections with a small finger prick or swab.
We’ll even have the results within 15 minutes. No lines, no labs, and no lingering anticipation. Other Point of care testing is available.